

Auto-compounders give small token holders the same compounding advantages as big token holders. Auto-compounders are more effective when they hold more deposits. For this reason, YY Strategies are designed to be primitives that any project can easily integrate.

Example Integration

Compounding BAG: https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/address/0xf487044eD85F2d47A8eAD6b86c834976B8c31736/read-contract

User Balances

User balances are accounted with Yak Receipt Tokens (YRT). The number of shares corresponds to ownership of each pool's underlying assets.

User balance of BAG = YRT shares * (total BAG / total shares)

View Function



Amount of shares a user owns (number does not go up)


Conversion rate for a given amount of shares (number goes up over time)

User Actions

Each strategy allows users to deposit and withdraw. The simplest implementation may use only two functions:

Write Function



Deposit deposit tokens


Redeem shares to withdraw deposit tokens

There is no need for integrations to manage reinvest() functionality, as the YY community β€œjust handles” it.

Example Integrations

Asset Management

Asset Trackers

Contributors Email Inbox

Used for official listings and admin: yakcontributors@proton.me

For dev-related inquiries, visit the Yak Devs Telegram group: https://t.me/yakdevs

Last updated