
The YY approach to treasury and listing of related accounts

An Opinionated Treasury

The YY Treasury takes a generally bullish stance on DeFi (which YY depends on) while also contributing TVL and fees to the platform and ecosystem.

The treasury is managed by committee with funds held in a separately controlled multi-sig. Occasionally some Treasury-controlled funds will move to other contracts and accounts to facilitate execution.

Treasury Accounts

🏦 Yak Treasury

Holds treasury funds.

3 of 6 Multisig
  • Ravageur77, Core

  • Angus, Core

  • Eric Sulli, Treasury

  • MauroG, Treasury

  • harry.avax, Treasury

  • Deployer

Previous address: 0x047eDAC7e9ac7B22B941175Bf25adE95288286Ff

3 of 5 Multisig
  • Yak Man, Core

  • Snow Yak, Core

  • Mark, Community (Avalaunch)

  • Sarp, Community (Markr)

  • 0xmuloc, Community (Trader Joe)

💰 Yak Fee Collector

Collects revenue in AVAX and tokens. Holds treasury funds which have not been distributed yet.

  • Avalanche: 0x2D580F9CF2fB2D09BC411532988F2aFdA4E7BefF

  • Arbitrum: 0xbb82b43Bf2057B804253D5Db8c18A647fC1f3403

Learn more about fee distribution:

🏧Yak ARC

Previous address: 0x8d36C5c6947ADCcd25Ef49Ea1aAC2ceACFff0bD7

🧑‍💻 Yak Deployer

May temporarily hold treasury funds. Has special rights to claim revenue on behalf of the platform.

👷 YY Operations

Used to execute special smart contract operations for Yield Yak strategies.

  • Avalanche: 0xEA3e895b0696e161C68486Ee2F85e6Cc6ef962d0

  • Arbitrum: 0x599850287dD42dB3137EF82F70C5dcaBC690d524

  • Mantle: 0x75F5DBC676484CA0e2487ee01792513815AfB8f5

3 of 5 Multisig
  • Yak Man, Core

  • Yak Warrior, Core

  • Ravageur77, Core

  • Simon, Core

  • Angus, Core

Previous Accounts

Below are wallets which were previously used to support Yield Yak which are no longer in use, but shared for transparency.

💪 YY Contributors

Holds contributors funds, used to support contributors of the Yield Yak ecosystem. Spent at the discretion of the team, similar in nature to a development budget.

  • Avalanche: 0xD221FB68f3B15308B4Ea1bD278b3057386330520

3 of 5 Multisig
  • Yak Man, Core

  • Yak Warrior, Core

  • Ravageur77, Core

  • Angus, Core

  • Simon, Core

Previous address: 0x73F2EE05E02c972a23222e60Bd08ED66dc89D7a5

🌱 YY Ecosystem

Helds ecosystem funds, used to support initiatives in Yield Yak ecosystems. Spent at the discretion of the team, similar in nature to a marketing budget.

  • Avalanche: 0x78cc64Cc16e38d2BFA42F312333Cd93aebB22b02

3 of 5 Multisig
  • Yak Man, Core

  • Snow Yak, Core

  • SlowCheetah, Core

  • Dylan, Core

  • 50ft, Core

Previous address: 0x383BE9AeD6d91AF96E4c02dc6301cb0adae7422e

🐃 YY Team

Hold team tokens.

  • 0x1Dd981D51f10f2Dd79f8a0796f30a577B06E79d2

Last updated